A downloadable game for Windows

I did not write a simgle line of code for this game, all i did was ask chatGPT to write it for me. and now we have this. 

if you have any questions, leave them in the comments or something idk.


ClickerGPT.zip 8 kB
ClickerGPT v0.1.zip 10 kB

Install instructions

1. install java. 2. download the zip file and extract. 3. open command promt and type in "cd" followed by the file location. 4. type in the following: "java ClickerGame". 4. enjoy!


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what do i do after hyper auto clicker

hello, i did not think anyone else would see this thing, but hi. I have not implimented anything else yet 😅 stay tuned for updates I guess.


version 0.1 is out. still isn't in a exe form, but im working on it.

Slavery is good! You sit and drink tea while the slaves gather your reeds.

yeah lol :D

(2 edits)

hoping to release another version here in a couple days if i can figure out how to make the file an actual exectuable lol